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回复 Tsaokuohua 2015-11-13 07:40
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Biden dropped out of the race, ye or no ?

It is reported that yesterday, Joseph Robinette Biden think win the others himself is difficult, he decided to pull out 2016 the 58th presidential election in the United States.

At the next USA head office cycle, it should be the world great turning and big breakthrough Era. Cancer cure will to enter the cell orientation stage; AIDS will talk no death; the Mars detection need produced resultsage; the moon's polar live will into the practice; use the nuclear weapons to carry out the earthquakes disaster need to be try and success, successlegalization and routinization; all of the war should be upgraded from the gangs, collectivization nationalization to the conceptualization, logicalization and humanization;transfer and start of the world of darck material,,, whether he is a candidate or voters from the social areas, all can't avoid these reality of serious and cruel, can't leave these thinking the election.

Many others there are good social foundation, but Biden also is a high condensation point of the public expectation.

If Biden (now he is the vice President) think some of others organize to carry out the above things, better than himself, his not as good as others, quit the race is nothing wrong with it.
If Biden is to run for the President's high salary and treatment, decided to quit race now, he has the decision power for himself.
Just because of the strength then other side, can only say, the life is not very easy to you, some  competition is needed. because to muddy the prospects and exit, we don't hope that, we can't so changed the expectations.

Although tomorrow will cold, yesterday's warm still lingering around our.. there is an ordinary Chinese also won the world crown of science, Tu-Youyou in artemisinin got the 2015 Nobel Prize in medicine. whether we can say it like this, we don't lack of Einstein, we lack is franklin Roosevelt. There's not a good political background, the next four years will calm and strange.


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